index name value >file %SWG%\string\ja\ui_effect.stf 1 actionburn_action_burn Lose health as action is used. 2 actiondrain_immediate_action_drain Action Drained 3 actionregen_n_a Your action regeneration has increased significantly. 4 aggrochannel_self Portion of your hate is being transferred to an ally. 5 aggrochannel_target Portion of an ally's hate is being transferred to you. 6 armorbreak_mob Reduces non-player target's armor by %DF per application 7 armorbreak_player Modifies player target's armor by %DF% per application 8 attrib_action アクションが%DFポイント上昇 9 attrib_constitution ヘルスの再生速度上昇 10 attrib_health ヘルスが%DFポイント上昇 11 attrib_mind マインドを%DFポイント上昇 12 attrib_stamina アクションの再生速度上昇 13 attrib_willpower マインドの再生速度上昇 14 attribpercent_action アクションが%DF%上昇 15 attribpercent_constitution ヘルスの再生速度が%DF%上昇 16 attribpercent_health ヘルスが%DF%上昇 17 attribpercent_mind マインドが%DF%上昇 18 attribpercent_stamina アクションの再生速度が%DF%上昇 19 attribpercent_willpower マインドの再生速度が%DF%上昇 20 axkvacontagion_axkva_contagion Your blood begins to boil 21 bhflawless_bh_flawless_proc_chance 15% increased chance to proc Flawless Bead. 22 bmbeastfamily_monkey Monkey special ability 23 bmbeastfamily_pig Pig special ability 24 bmbeastxpbuff_beastxpbonuspercent Beast's experience gain has been greatly increased 25 bodyguarddefender_protect_master A bodyguard is absorbing damage attacks made against their master 26 bodyguarddefender_shield_master_pet Guarding master 27 bodyguardmaster_shield_master_player Attacks absorbed by nearby bodyguard 28 buildabuff_buildabuff You feel inspired 29 channelheal_health You health is slowly being regenerated with an infusion of bacta 30 closedfistburnhandler_closed_fist_burn_handler The area around you begins to crackle and burn. 31 combat_critical_hit_reduction Reduce chance to be critically hit 32 combatstun_combat_stun The Cyrstaline Prison is consuming your lifeforce 33 commandgrant_bh_flawless_strike You gain the Flawless Strike attack 34 commandgrant_co_enrage_1 You gain the Enrage ability 35 commandgrant_fs_set_heroic_taunt_1 You gain the Guardian Strike attack 36 commandgrant_sm_how_are_you Grants the "We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" ability 37 commandoflashbang_commando_flash_bang Precision is decreased due to being partially blinded 38 commandoflashbang_expertise_flash_bang Precision Decreased 39 commandomusclespasm_expertise_muscle_spasm Chance to strike a glancing blow is increased due to your nervous system being electrified 40 commandoriddlearmor_expertise_riddle_armor Your armor has been riddled with holes, decreasing its effectiveness 41 commandosnarebonus_commando_snare_bonus Your armor is increased, making them regret their actions 42 cooldownmodify_cooldown_execute_all Unable to perform special actions for %DF seconds 43 craftbonus_architect アーキテクト・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
アーキテクト・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 44 craftbonus_armorsmith アーマー・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
アーマー・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 45 craftbonus_artisan クラフティングのリソース品質が1%増加

武器、食料、衣料、ビークル、施設、その他のクラフティングに適用されます。 46 craftbonus_bioengineer バイオエンジニア・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
バイオエンジニア・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 47 craftbonus_chef フード・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
フード・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 48 craftbonus_droidengineer ドロイド・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
ドロイド・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 49 craftbonus_shipwright シップライト・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
シップライト・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 50 craftbonus_tailor テイラー・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
テイラー・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 51 craftbonus_weaponsmith ウェポン・クラフティングのリソース品質が2%増加
ウェポン・クラフティングの実験成功率が10%増加 52 critdoubledamage_expertise_crit_double_damage Your critical hits do double damage 53 critonce_expertise_crit_remove_buff A critical hit removes this buff 54 critroot_expertise_crit_root Critical Hits Root Opponents 55 custom Critical Hits Root Opponents 56 custom_n_a Critical Hits Root Opponents 57 damagedealtmod_damage_dealt_mod Damage Dealt Increased by X %DF 58 damagedecreasepercentage_damage_decrease_percentage Damage Decreased 59 damageimmune_damage_immune Immune to normal damage
Unable to deal normal damage 60 damagetakenmod_damage_taken_mod Increased Damage Taken by %DF% 61 danceparty_dance_party You feel the urge to dance 62 delayattack_n_a 行動できなくなる 63 dot_acid You are receiving damage because you are coated in acid. 64 dot_bleeding You are receiving damage because you are bleeding. 65 dot_cold You are receiving damage because you are frozen. 66 dot_disease You are receiving damage because you are diseased. 67 dot_electricity You are receiving damage because you are electrified. 68 dot_energy You are receiving damage because you are energy burned. 69 dot_fire You are receiving damage because you are on fire. 70 dot_kinetic You are receiving damage because you are constricted. 71 dot_poison You are receiving damage because you are poisoned. 72 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_acid Reduce acid damage over time stack by %DF% 73 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_all Reduce all damage over time stacks by %DF% 74 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_bleeding Reduce bleed damage over time stack by %DF% 75 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_cold Reduce cold damage over time stack by %DF% 76 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_disease Reduce disease damage over time stack by %DF% 77 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_electrical Reduce electrical damage over time stack by %DF% 78 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_elemental Reduce heat, cold, electrical, acid, kinetic and energy damage over time stacks by %DF% 79 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_energy Reduce energy damage over time stack by %DF% 80 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_heat Reduce heat damage over time stack by %DF% 81 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_kinetic Reduce kinetic damage over time stack by %DF% 82 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_natural Reduce poison, disease and bleeding damage over time stacks by %DF% 83 dotdivisor_dot_divisor_poison Reduce poison damage over time stack by %DF% 84 dotreduction_dot_reduction_acid Reduce acid damage over time stack by %DF 85 dotreduction_dot_reduction_all Reduce all damage over time stacks by %DF 86 dotreduction_dot_reduction_bleeding Reduce bleed damage over time stack by %DF 87 dotreduction_dot_reduction_cold Reduce cold damage over time stack by %DF 88 dotreduction_dot_reduction_disease Reduce disease damage over time stack by %DF 89 dotreduction_dot_reduction_electrical Reduce electrical damage over time stack by %DF 90 dotreduction_dot_reduction_elemental Reduce heat, cold, electrical, acid, kinetic and energy damage over time stacks by %DF 91 dotreduction_dot_reduction_energy Reduce energy damage over time stack by %DF 92 dotreduction_dot_reduction_heat Reduce heat damage over time stack by %DF 93 dotreduction_dot_reduction_kinetic Reduce kinetic damage over time stack by %DF 94 dotreduction_dot_reduction_natural Reduce poison, disease and bleeding damage over time stacks by %DF 95 dotreduction_dot_reduction_poison Reduce poison damage over time stack by %DF 96 expertise_cooldown_line_dm Reduce Assault cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 97 expertisechannelactionheal_expertise_channel_action_heal Channelling... 98 expertisedamagedecrease_expertise_damage_decrease_percentage Incoming damage decreased. 99 expertiseimmunity_dot_immunity Immune to damage over time effects 100 fasttalk_expertise_fast_talk Buff modified by expertise 101 foodinstant_n_a Buff modified by expertise 102 foragebonusmod_enzyme %DF% bonus to finding enzymes 103 foragebonusmod_forage %DF% bonus to foraging 104 forcepower_jedi_force_power_max フォース・パワーが%DFポイント上昇 105 forcepower_jedi_force_power_regen フォース再生が%DFポイント上昇 106 freeshot_case_crit Freeshot Case: Critical 107 freeshot_case_dodge Freeshot Case: Dodge 108 freeshot_case_miss Freeshot Case: Miss 109 freeshot_case_parry Freeshot Case: Parry 110 freeshot_case_strikethrough Freeshot Case: Strikethrough 111 fs_flurry_proc_fs_flurry_proc A strike attack will instead proc flurry which will attempt to hit the target three times. 112 group_n_a グループ・エンハンスメント 113 healeffect_healing_action %DF action restored 114 healeffect_healing_health %DF health restored 115 hitbyluck_combat_all_attack_hit_by_luck Defender is easier to hit 116 immunity_buff_purge Up to %DF beneficial effect(s) cancelled 117 immunity_debuff_purge Up to %DF debuffs cancelled 118 immunity_dot_immunity 持続ダメージ(DoT)無効化 119 immunity_movement_immunity 移動阻害効果無効化 120 invisbuff_n_a 移動阻害効果無効化 121 junkdealer_expertise_junk_dealer Buff modified by expertise 122 kunopenspark_kun_open_spark You are attracting vast energies. 123 loopingparticleroot_pt_durni_camera This creature's soul is recovering from the last time its picture was taken. 124 lureshcontagion_luresh_contagion You feel your action draining. 125 medoom_me_doom You are doomed. 126 missbyluck_combat_all_attack_miss_by_luck Attack miss rating increased by attacker's luck 127 movement Attack miss rating increased by attacker's luck 128 movement_n_a 移動速度が上昇 129 movementsupressingeffect_supress_movement Supresses movement speed towards the attacker by %DF%.
Severity of movement supression is reduced by snare resistance in Non-Player Characters. 130 mtpmeatlumpangry_mtp_meatlump_angry Supresses movement speed towards the attacker by %DF%.
Severity of movement supression is reduced by snare resistance in Non-Player Characters. 131 mtpmeatlumphappy_mtp_meatlump_happy Supresses movement speed towards the attacker by %DF%.
Severity of movement supression is reduced by snare resistance in Non-Player Characters. 132 nexthitcrit_expertise_next_hit_crit Your next hit is a critical hit 133 onattackremove_on_attack_remove This effect will be removed by your next special attack. 134 onincapheal_gcw_critical_heal Effect fires on incapacitation 135 onnextattack_next_hit_damage_bonus Next attack increased by %DF% 136 ontarget_expertise_on_target Rooted 137 pistolwhip_sm_pistol_whip Stunned! Stunned targets cannot attack or move. 138 procbuff_n_a 追加ダメージ効果チャンス 139 pvpaurabuffself_pvp_aura_buff_self Your men are inspired by your presence 140 radarinvis_radar_invis Invisible to radar. 141 reactivebuff_n_a Effect fires when you are damaged 142 reducedamagebypercent_damage_reduction_by_percent Damage taken reduced by %DF% 143 removeincapweaken_remove_incap_weakened Remove Weakened State 144 scriptvar_damage_taken_increase The target is frozen and will take extra damage 145 scriptvar_faction_bonus ファクション・ポイントが10%増加 146 scriptvar_general_insp_buff 経験値が%DF%増加 147 scriptvar_holoemote_bonus ホロエモート・ジェネレータのチャージ率が増加 148 scriptvar_instrument_bonus 使える楽器が増加 149 scriptvar_n_a 使える楽器が増加 150 scriptvar_prop_bonus 使えるダンス小道具が増加 151 scriptvar_weapon_lock Unable to perform some actions 152 skill_absorption_bleeding ブリード緩和が%DFポイント上昇 153 skill_absorption_disease ディジーズ緩和が%DFポイント上昇 154 skill_absorption_fire ファイア緩和が%DFポイント上昇 155 skill_absorption_poison ポイズン緩和が%DFポイント上昇 156 skill_accuracy_modifier 命中精度が%DFポイント上昇. 157 skill_advanced_assembly Advanced Assembly Increased by %DF 158 skill_agility_modified アジリティが%DFポイント上昇 159 skill_armor_assembly アーマー・アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 160 skill_armor_experimentation Armor Experimentation Increased by %DF 161 skill_attack_override_by_buff Altering Attack 162 skill_avoid_incap 無力化回避が%DFポイント上昇 163 skill_bh_dire_root %DF% chance for Area Traps to apply Dire Root 164 skill_bh_dire_snare %DF% chance for targetted snare attacks to apply Dire Snare 165 skill_bh_fast_arakyd %DF% chance for instant Arakyd droid report 166 skill_bh_flawless_bead Chance to gain Flawless Bead increased by %DF% 167 skill_bh_orbital_arakyd Contacting Arakyd droids remotely 168 skill_bh_swift_seeker %DF% chance for instant seeker droid reports 169 skill_block ブロックが%DFポイント上昇 170 skill_buffing_efficiency バフ効率が%DFポイント上昇 171 skill_camouflage カモフラージュが%DFポイント上昇 172 skill_carbine_accuracy カービン命中精度が%DF 上昇 173 skill_carbine_speed カービン・スピードが%DF 上昇 174 skill_chassis_experimentation Chassis Experimenation Increased by %DF 175 skill_clothing_assembly 衣料アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 176 skill_clothing_experimentation Clothing Experimentation Increased by %DF 177 skill_combat_add_damage_dealt Increase damage dealt by %DF points 178 skill_combat_add_damage_taken Increase damage taken by %DF points 179 skill_combat_all_attack_avoidance Attacks made against you have thier miss rating increased by %DF 180 skill_combat_all_attack_miss Attack miss rating increased by %DF 181 skill_combat_all_attack_miss_reduction Attack miss rating reduced by %DF 182 skill_combat_all_attack_miss_vulnerability Attacker miss rating increased by %DF points 183 skill_combat_block_chance Score to block incoming damage is modified by %DF 184 skill_combat_block_reduction Score for opponents to block your attacks is reduced by %DF 185 skill_combat_block_value Amount of damage reduced on a successful block is modified by %DF 186 skill_combat_critical_hit Score to land a critical hit is modified by %DF 187 skill_combat_critical_hit_reduction Score to recieve critical hits in combat is reduced by %DF 188 skill_combat_divide_damage_dealt Reduce damage dealt by %DF% 189 skill_combat_divide_damage_taken Reduce damage taken by %DF% 190 skill_combat_dodge Score to dodge an incoming attack is modified by %DF 191 skill_combat_dodge_reduction Score for opponents to dodge an attack is modified by %DF 192 skill_combat_evasion_chance Score to avoid Area Effect damage is modified by %DF 193 skill_combat_evasion_value Possible amount of Area Effect damage avoided is increased by %DF 194 skill_combat_glancing Score to recieve a glancing blow in combat is modified by %DF 195 skill_combat_glancing_blow_reduction Score to land a glancing blow on your target is reduced by %DF 196 skill_combat_haste コンバット・スピードが%DFポイント上昇 197 skill_combat_melee_attack_avoidance Melee attacks against you have their miss rating increased by %DF 198 skill_combat_melee_attack_miss Melee attack miss rating increased by %DF 199 skill_combat_melee_attack_miss_reduction Melee attack miss rating reduced by %DF 200 skill_combat_melee_attack_vulnerability Melee attacks against you have their miss rating decreased by %DF 201 skill_combat_multiply_damage_dealt Increase damage dealt by %DF% 202 skill_combat_multiply_damage_taken Increase damage taken by %DF% 203 skill_combat_parry Score to parry an attack is modified by %DF 204 skill_combat_parry_reduction Score for opponents to parry your attacks is reduced by %DF 205 skill_combat_ranged_attack_avoidance Ranged attacks against you have their miss rating increased by %DF 206 skill_combat_ranged_attack_miss Ranged attack miss rating increased by %DF 207 skill_combat_ranged_attack_miss_reduction Ranged attack miss rating decreased by %DF 208 skill_combat_ranged_attack_vulnerability Ranged attacks against you have their miss rating decreased by %DF 209 skill_combat_slow Modify combat speed by -%DF points 210 skill_combat_strikethrough_chance Score to bypass your opponent's armor is modified by %DF 211 skill_combat_strikethrough_value Possible amount of armor bypassed on a strikethrough attack is modified by %DF% 212 skill_combat_subtract_damage_dealt Reduce damage dealt by %DF points 213 skill_combat_subtract_damage_taken Reduce damage taken by %DF points 214 skill_constitution_modified コンストが%DFポイント上昇 215 skill_cooldown_percent_of_group_buff Reduces Group Buff cooldowns by %DF% 216 skill_creature_harvesting クリーチャー解体が%DFポイント上昇 217 skill_creature_hit_bonus 対クリーチャー命中精度が%DFポイント上昇 218 skill_critical_hit_vulnerable Critical Hit Vulnerability Modified by %DF% 219 skill_cure_efficiency 治療効率が%DFポイント上昇 220 skill_damage_decrease_percentage Damage Decrease by %DF% 221 skill_damage_immune Immune to normal damage
Unable to deal normal damage 222 skill_defense 防御能力が%DFポイント上昇 223 skill_defense_modifier 防御が%DFポイント上昇 224 skill_detect_hidden 隠れた敵を発見する能力が%DFポイント上昇 225 skill_dot_resist_acid Acid DoT resistance %DF 226 skill_dot_resist_all All DoT resistance %DF 227 skill_dot_resist_bleeding Bleeding DoT resistance %DF 228 skill_dot_resist_cold Cold DoT resistance %DF 229 skill_dot_resist_disease Disease DoT resistance %DF 230 skill_dot_resist_electrical Electricity DoT resistance %DF 231 skill_dot_resist_elemental Modify heat, cold, electrical, acid, kinetic and energy Damage over Time Resistance by %DF points 232 skill_dot_resist_energy Energy DoT resistance %DF 233 skill_dot_resist_heat Heat DoT resistance %DF 234 skill_dot_resist_kinetic Kinetic DoT resistance %DF 235 skill_dot_resist_natural Modify poison, disease and bleeding Damage over Time Resistance by %DF points 236 skill_dot_resist_poison Poison DoT resistance %DF 237 skill_dot_vulnerability_bleed Vulnerability to Bleed type Damage over Time effects increased by %DF% 238 skill_droid_assembly ドロイド・アセンブリ・スキルが上昇 239 skill_droid_experimentation Droid Experimentation Increased by %DF 240 skill_droid_track_speed ドロイド・スピードが%DFポイント上昇 241 skill_droid_tracks 追跡ドロイド・スキルが%DFポイント上昇 242 skill_engine_experimentation Engine Experimentation Increased by %DF 243 skill_expertise_action_all Action costs modified by %DF% 244 skill_expertise_action_line_co_grenade Grenade action costs reduced by %DF% 245 skill_expertise_action_line_dm Reduce Assault action cost by %DF% 246 skill_expertise_action_line_dm_crit Reduce Ambush action cost by %DF%. 247 skill_expertise_action_line_fs_ae_dm_cc Reduce Force Shockwave action cost by %DF% 248 skill_expertise_action_line_fs_cc_crit Reduce Force Lightning Action cost by %DF% 249 skill_expertise_action_line_fs_dm Reduce Jedi Strike Action Cost by %DF% 250 skill_expertise_action_line_fs_sweep Reduce Sweep action cost by %DF% 251 skill_expertise_action_line_me_burst Reduce Burst action cost by %DF% 252 skill_expertise_action_line_me_dm Reduce Vital Strike action cost by %DF% 253 skill_expertise_action_line_me_smash Reduce Flurry action cost by %DF% 254 skill_expertise_action_line_of_aoe Reduce Area of Effect action cost by %DF% 255 skill_expertise_action_line_of_group_buff Reduce Group Buff action costs by %DF% 256 skill_expertise_action_line_of_paint Reduce Paint Target action costs by %DF% 257 skill_expertise_action_line_of_sure Reduce Sureshot action costs by %DF% 258 skill_expertise_action_line_sm_dm Decrease Fast Draw and Precision Strike action cost by %DF% 259 skill_expertise_action_line_sp_dm Reduce Assassinate action cost by %DF% 260 skill_expertise_action_line_sp_dot Reduce Spy's Fang action cost by %DF% 261 skill_expertise_action_weapon_2 Pistol action costs modified by %DF% 262 skill_expertise_avoidance_overpower Reduces chance of dodge, parry or block events versus attack made from stealth by %DF% 263 skill_expertise_block_chance Increase chance to block and attack by %DF% 264 skill_expertise_buff_duration_line_bh_return_fire Increase Return Fire duration by %DF seconds 265 skill_expertise_buff_duration_line_me_debuff Medic debuff durations increased by %DF seconds. 266 skill_expertise_buff_duration_line_me_enhance Medic buff durations extended by %DF seconds. 267 skill_expertise_buff_duration_line_sp_preparation Increase duration of Preparation by %DF seconds. 268 skill_expertise_co_killing_spree_target Rampage Attack 269 skill_expertise_cooldown_bountycheck Reduce Bounty Check cooldown by %DF minutes 270 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_bh_detect_camouflage_1 Reduce Detect Camouflage cooldown by %DF seconds 271 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_bh_flawless_strike Reduce Flawless Strike cooldown by %DF seconds 272 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_bh_return_fire Reduce Return Fire cooldown by %DF seconds 273 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_co_riddle_armor Riddle Armor expertise reduced by %DF seconds 274 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_dm Reduce Assault cooldown time 275 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_fs_ae_dm_cc Reduce Force Shockwave Cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 276 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_fs_cc_crit Reduce Force Lightning Cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 277 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_fs_dm Reduce Jedi Strike cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 278 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_fs_sweep Reduce Sweep cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 279 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_me_dot Damage over time cooldowns reduced by %DF tenths of a second 280 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_me_evasion Evasion expertise cooldown reduced by %DF seconds 281 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_me_stasis_self Stasis Field (self) cooldown reduced by %DF minutes 282 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_of_firepower Reduce Superior Firepower cooldown by %DF minutes 283 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_of_paint Reduce cooldown of Paint Target by %DF% tenths of a second 284 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_of_purge Reduce Environmental Purge and Synaptic Stimulator cooldowns by %DF seconds 285 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_of_sure Reduce cooldown time of Sureshot by %DF tenths of a second 286 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_sm_dm Reduce Fast Draw and Precision Strike cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 287 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_sm_dm_cc Reduce Concussion Shot and Dizzy cooldown by %DF tenths of a second 288 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_sm_false_hope Reduce False Hope cooldown by %DF seconds 289 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_sp_dm Reduce Assassinate cooldown time by %DF tenths of a second 290 skill_expertise_cooldown_line_sp_preparation Reduces cooldown of Preparation by %DF seconds 291 skill_expertise_critical_hit_decrease Critical Hit Chance Decrease by %DF% 292 skill_expertise_critical_line_of_aoe Area Effect critical chance increased by %DF 293 skill_expertise_critical_niche_all Critical Chance modified by %DF% 294 skill_expertise_damage_all Damage output modified by %DF% 295 skill_expertise_damage_decrease_chance Damage Decrease Chance up to %DF% 296 skill_expertise_damage_line_of_aoe Area Effect damage output increased %DF% 297 skill_expertise_damage_line_vulnerability_sp_hd_melee Damage caused by Razor Slash and Blaster Burst increased by %DF% 298 skill_expertise_damage_pistol Modify Pistol Damage by %DF% 299 skill_expertise_damage_to_healing_fs_ae_dm_cc Modify Healing Effect from Drain abilities by %DF% 300 skill_expertise_damage_weapon_0 Rifle damage increased by %DF% 301 skill_expertise_damage_weapon_1 Carbine damage increased by %DF%. 302 skill_expertise_damage_weapon_2 Pistol damage increased by %DF% 303 skill_expertise_devastation_bonus Increase Devastation Value by %DF. Devastation Value increases the chance for Commando Devastation by 1% for every 10 points of Devastation Value. 304 skill_expertise_dodge Increase chance to dodge by %DF% 305 skill_expertise_dot_absorption_all %DF % Damage Over Time Absorption 306 skill_expertise_en_inspire_buff_duration_increase Increase the duration cap of an inspiration buff by %DF minutes 307 skill_expertise_en_inspire_pulse_duration_increase Increase the duration pulse for an entertainer inspiration by %DF min per point 308 skill_expertise_evasion_chance Increase chance to evade an Area Effect attack by %DF% 309 skill_expertise_experimentation_increase_architect Architect Experimentation Increased by %DF 310 skill_expertise_freeshot_co_grenade %DF% chance to eliminate Grenade action cost 311 skill_expertise_freeshot_me_debuff %DF% chance to eliminate the action cost of a medic debuff 312 skill_expertise_freeshot_me_heal %DF% chance that a medic's healing action cost is eliminated 313 skill_expertise_freeshot_of_aoe %DF% chance that AOE action cost is eliminated 314 skill_expertise_freeshot_of_sure %DF% chance to eliminate the action cost of Sureshot 315 skill_expertise_freeshot_sm_dm %DF% chance to eliminate Fast Draw or Precision Strike action cost 316 skill_expertise_freeshot_sm_dm_cc %DF% chance to eliminate Concussion Shot or Dizzy action cost 317 skill_expertise_freeshot_sp_dm %DF% chance of eliminating Assassinate action cost 318 skill_expertise_glancing_blow_all Chance to receive glancing blow modified by %DF% 319 skill_expertise_glancing_blow_melee Melee chance to receive glancing blow modified by %DF% 320 skill_expertise_glancing_blow_ranged Ranged chance to receive glancing blow modified by %DF% 321 skill_expertise_healing_all Healing modified by %DF% 322 skill_expertise_healing_reduction Healing effects reduced by %DF% 323 skill_expertise_innate_protection_all Modify Innate Armor by %DF points 324 skill_expertise_innate_protection_energy Energy Protection modified by %DF 325 skill_expertise_innate_protection_kinetic Kinetic Protection modified by %DF 326 skill_expertise_lucky_break_chance Improve Lucky Break Chance by %DF% 327 skill_expertise_parry Increase chance to parry an attack by %DF% 328 skill_expertise_resource_sampling_increase Increase the amount of resources gained from hand sampling by %DF% 329 skill_expertise_saber_block Increased chance to parry attacks 330 skill_expertise_strikethrough_chance Increase chance to bypass part of your opponents armor by %DF% 331 skill_expertise_target_healing_bonus Increased healing effects on the target by %DF% 332 skill_fast_attack_line_co_grenade %DF% chance to reset Grenade cooldown 333 skill_fast_attack_line_dm_cc %DF% chance to reset Crippling attack cooldowns 334 skill_fast_attack_line_fs_powers %DF% chance to reset Force Lightning or Force Shockwave cooldowns 335 skill_fast_attack_line_me_debuff %DF% chance to reset a medic debuff cooldown 336 skill_fast_attack_line_me_dm %DF% chance to reset Vital Strike cooldowns 337 skill_fast_attack_line_me_heal %DF% chance to reset single target instant heal cooldowns while healing others 338 skill_fast_attack_line_me_revive %DF% chance to reset revive cooldowns 339 skill_fast_attack_line_of_aoe %DF% chance to reset Area of Effect cooldowns 340 skill_fast_attack_line_of_heal %DF% chance to reset Officer self heal cooldown 341 skill_fast_attack_line_sm_dm Increase Fast Draw and Precision Strike Quick Attack chance by %DF% 342 skill_fast_attack_line_sm_dm_cc Increase Concussion Shot and Dizzy Fast Attack by %DF% 343 skill_fast_attack_line_sp_dm %DF% to reset the cooldown of Assassinate 344 skill_fast_attack_line_sp_perfect %DF% chance of a Perfect Opportunity 345 skill_fast_attack_line_sp_smoke %DF% chance reset the cooldown of Smoke Grenade and Without a Trace 346 skill_flawless_bead Reduce opponents defenses against your next special attack by %DF%. 347 skill_food_assembly 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 348 skill_food_experimentation 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 349 skill_force_absorb 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 350 skill_force_armor 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 351 skill_force_feedback 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 352 skill_force_run 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 353 skill_force_shield 食品アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 354 skill_general_assembly アーティザン・アセンブリが%DFポイント上昇 355 skill_general_experimentation アーティザン試作が%DFポイント上昇 356 skill_glancing_blow_vulnerable Trivial Hit Chance Increased by %DF% 357 skill_group_melee_defense グループ・メレー防御が%DFポイント上昇 358 skill_group_ranged_defense グループ・レンジ防御が%DFポイント上昇 359 skill_group_slope_move グループ地形通過が%DFポイント上昇 360 skill_healing_dance_wound ダンス・エンハンスメントが%DFポイント上昇 361 skill_healing_efficiency ヒーリング効率が%DFポイント上昇 362 skill_healing_music_wound ミュージック・エンハンスメントが%DFポイント上昇 363 skill_heavy_weapon_accuracy へヴィ・ウェポン命中精度が%DF 上昇 364 skill_heavy_weapon_speed へヴィ・ウェポン・スピードが%DF 上昇 365 skill_hiring 雇用が%DFポイント上昇 366 skill_increase_damage_dealt_to_kun_chaos Damage dealt to the Embraced Chaos of Exar Kun increased by %DF% 367 skill_increase_damage_dealt_to_kun_order Damage dealt to the Lingering Harmony of Exar Kun increased by %DF% 368 skill_increase_damage_taken_from_kun_chaos Damage dealt from the Embraced Chaos of Exar Kun increased by %DF% 369 skill_increase_damage_taken_from_kun_order Damage received from the Lingering Harmony of Exar Kun increased by %DF% 370 skill_jedi_saber_assembly Lightsaber Assembly Increased by %DF 371 skill_jedi_saber_experimentation Lightsaber Experimentation Increased by %DF 372 skill_luck_modified ラックが%DFポイント上昇 373 skill_mask_scent 臭跡マスクが%DFポイント上昇 374 skill_me_doom_chance %DF% chance to cause DOOM (Diverse Organism Obliterating Malady) 375 skill_medicine_assembly メディシン・アセンブリ・スキルが上昇 376 skill_melee_accuracy メレー命中精度が%DFポイント上昇 377 skill_melee_damage_mod メレー・ダメージ上昇: 378 skill_melee_defense メレー防御が%DFポイント上昇 379 skill_melee_speed 汎用メレー・スピードが%DFポイント上昇 380 skill_movement_resist_mez Resistance to Disorient effects increased by %DF% 381 skill_movement_resist_root Resistance to Root effects increased by %DF% 382 skill_movement_resist_snare Resistance to Snare effects increased by %DF% 383 skill_movement_resist_stun Resistance to Stun effects increased by %DF% 384 skill_of_inspired_action_chance %DF% chance to automatically cause Inspiration 385 skill_offense 攻撃能力が%DFポイント上昇 386 skill_onehandmelee_accuracy ワンハンド・メレー命中精度が%DF 上昇 387 skill_onehandmelee_speed ワンハンド・メレー・スピードが%DF 上昇 388 skill_pistol_accuracy ピストル命中精度が%DF 上昇 389 skill_pistol_speed ピストル・スピードが%DF 上昇 390 skill_polearm_accuracy ポールアーム命中精度が%DF 上昇 391 skill_polearm_speed ポールアーム・スピードが%DF 上昇 392 skill_precision_modified プレシジョンが%DFポイント上昇 393 skill_private_accuracy_bonus 命中精度が%DFポイント上昇 394 skill_private_accuracy_penalty 命中精度が%DFポイント低下 395 skill_private_armor_bonus アーマー効率上昇 396 skill_private_armor_break アーマー効果が低下 397 skill_private_armor_bypass 敵アーマー効率低下 398 skill_private_cooldown_bonus アビリティ再使用時間短縮 399 skill_private_crit_bonus クリティカルヒット率上昇 400 skill_private_damage_bonus ダメージ上昇 401 skill_private_damage_shield 攻撃に自動反撃 402 skill_private_defense_bonus ディフェンスが%DFポイント上昇 403 skill_private_defense_penalty ディフェンスが%DFポイント低下 404 skill_private_melee_dmg_bonus メレー・ダメージが%DFポイント上昇 405 skill_private_melee_dmg_shield メレー攻撃をリポスト 406 skill_private_posture_override 姿勢変更不可 407 skill_private_raw_damage_bonus ダメージ上昇 408 skill_private_relative_level_mod アビリティとナレッジ上昇 409 skill_private_state_resist_debuff ステート耐性が%DFポイント低下 410 skill_private_taunt_bonus 攻撃性の増減 411 skill_ranged_accuracy レンジ命中精度が%DFポイント上昇 412 skill_ranged_defense レンジ防御が%DFポイント上昇 413 skill_ranged_speed 汎用レンジ・スピードが%DFポイント上昇 414 skill_reduce_damage_dealt_to_kun_chaos Damage dealt to the Embraced Chaos of Exar Kun reduced by %DF% 415 skill_reduce_damage_dealt_to_kun_order Damage dealt to the Lingering Harmony of Exar Kun reduced by %DF% 416 skill_reduce_damage_taken_from_kun_chaos Damage received from the Embraced Chaos of Exar Kun reduced by %DF% 417 skill_reduce_damage_taken_from_kun_order Damage received from the Lingering Harmony of Exar Kun decreased by %DF% 418 skill_resistance_bleeding ブリード耐性が%DFポイント上昇 419 skill_resistance_disease ディジーズ耐性が%DFポイント上昇 420 skill_resistance_fire ファイア耐性が%DFポイント上昇 421 skill_resistance_mind_trick Resisance to Mind Trick increased by %DF% 422 skill_resistance_poison ポイズン耐性が%DFポイント上昇 423 skill_resistance_states ステート耐性が%DFポイント上昇 424 skill_rifle_accuracy ライフル命中精度が%DF 上昇 425 skill_rifle_speed ライフル・スピードが%DF 上昇 426 skill_saber_block Incrased chance to parry 427 skill_shields_assembly Shields Assembly Modified by %DF 428 skill_shields_experimentation Shields Experimentation Increased by %DF 429 skill_slope_move 地形順応が%DFポイント上昇 430 skill_stamina_modified スタミナが%DFポイント上昇 431 skill_strength_modified ストレングスが%DFポイント上昇 432 skill_strikethrough_vulnerable Vulnerability to Strikethrough attacks increased by %DF% 433 skill_structure_assembly ストラクチャ・アセンブリ・スキルが上昇 434 skill_structure_experimentation Structure Experimentation Increased by %DF 435 skill_surveying サーベイが%DFポイント上昇 436 skill_tame_bonus クリーチャー・テイムが%DFポイント上昇 437 skill_thrown_accuracy 投擲命中精度が%DF 上昇 438 skill_thrown_speed 投擲スピードが%DF 上昇 439 skill_trapping トラッピングが%DFポイント上昇 440 skill_treasureforagebonusmod Increased odds of finding a Treasure Map while foraging. 441 skill_twohandmelee_accuracy ツーハンド・メレー命中精度が%DF 上昇 442 skill_twohandmelee_speed ツーハンド・メレー・スピードが%DF 上昇 443 skill_unarmed_accuracy 格闘命中精度が%DF 上昇 444 skill_unarmed_damage 格闘ダメージが%DFポイント上昇 445 skill_unarmed_speed 格闘スピードが%DF 上昇 446 skill_weapon_assembly ウェポン・アセンブリ・スキルが%DF 上昇 447 skill_weapon_experimentation Weapon Experimentation Increased by %DF 448 skill_weapon_systems Weapons Systems Modified by %DF 449 skill_weapon_systems_experimentation Weapon Systems Experimentation Increased by %DF 450 skill_willpower ウィルが%DFポイント上昇 451 skillpercent_agility_modified Increase Agility at time of application by %DF% 452 skillpercent_constitution_modified Increase Constitution at time of application by %DF% 453 skillpercent_luck_modified Increase Luck at time of application by %DF% 454 skillpercent_precision_modified Increase Precision at time of application by %DF% 455 skillpercent_strength_modified Increase Strength at time of application by %DF% 456 slylie_expertise_sly_lie Buff modified by expertise 457 spotasucker_expertise_spot_a_sucker Buff modified by expertise 458 stamina_percent_stamina_percent Buff modified by expertise 459 stance_defense ディフェンスが%DFポイント上昇 460 stance_expertise_focus Focus expertise enabled 461 stance_expertise_stance Stance expertise enabled 462 stance_offense オフェンスが%DFポイント上昇 463 suppression_n_a オフェンスが%DFポイント上昇 464 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_acid Damage caused by acid based elemental attacks is multiplied by %DF. 465 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_cold Damage caused by cold based elemental attacks is multiplied by %DF. 466 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_electricity Damage caused by electrical based elemental attacks is multiplied by %DF. 467 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_exclusive_acid Vulnerable only to acid based damage sources 468 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_exclusive_cold Vulnerable only to cold based damage sources 469 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_exclusive_electricity Vulnerable only to electrical damage sources 470 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_exclusive_heat Vulnerable only to heat based damage sources 471 vulnerability_dt_vulnerability_heat Damage caused by heat based elemental attacks is multiplied by %DF. 472 weaponlock_weapon_lock Some actions are ineffective 473 weaponspeedmod_weapon_speed_mod Attack Rate Increased by %DF% 474 xpbonus_architect アーキテクト経験値が15%増加 475 xpbonus_armorsmith アーマースミス経験値が15%増加 476 xpbonus_artisan アーティザン経験値が12%増加 477 xpbonus_bio_engineer バイオエンジニア経験値が15%増加 478 xpbonus_chef シェフ経験値が15%増加 479 xpbonus_dancer ダンサー経験値が15%増加 480 xpbonus_droidengineer ドロイド・エンジニア経験値が15%増加 481 xpbonus_entertainer エンターティナー経験値が12%増加 482 xpbonus_imagedesigner イメージ・デザイナー経験値が15%増加 483 xpbonus_merchant マーチャント経験値が15%増加 484 xpbonus_musician ミュージシャン経験値が15%増加 485 xpbonus_ranger レンジャー経験値が15%増加 486 xpbonus_scout スカウト経験値が12%増加 487 xpbonus_shipwright シップライト経験値が15%増加 488 xpbonus_tailor テイラー経験値が15%増加 489 xpbonus_weaponsmith ウェポンスミス経験値が15%増加 490 xpbonusgeneral_xp_bonus_general Increase experience gain by %DF%